Thursday, August 16, 2007

Beverly Hills 90210hwhatthefuck

Has ANYone with ears and a brain ever not cringed whenever David Silver started ooohing and aaahing his too-soft beyond terrible whiteboy cutz onscreen? Beyond embarrasssing; luckily he covers it up by wearing not only Hammer parachute pants, but a shirt to match. Wow.

Right now I'm watching an episode from the gang's senior year - surely the Babe Ruth of the series' seasons (Brandon is about to get his thumbs broke for gambling, and Dylan has to choose between Brenda and Kelly who sit and wait for him like purring kittens, all while it turns out he has read every classic book ever written and is looking to jump to AP English with only 3 weeks of class left. Book savant!! and I see Kelly developing a nice eating disorder??!! YES!!) And here we have David in a studio for the first time, brought in by some producer who is sure they can spin gold with one of David's originals. which, upon playback, reveals the words to be thus:

Am I precious to you? You're so precious to me.
Am I precious to you? You're so precious to me.
Am I precious to you? You're so precious to me.
Am I precious to you? You're so precious to me.
Am I precious to you? You're so precious to me.
Am I precious to you? You're so precious to me.
Am I precious to you? You're so precious to me.
Am I precious to you? You're so precious to me.
Am I precious to you? You're so precious to me.
Am I precious to you? You're so precious to me.
Am I precious to you? You're so precious to me.
Am I precious to you? You're so precious to me.
Am I precious to you? You're so precious to me.

Wow. And, of course, there's the producer. "David, this is pure GOLD, baby!!!"

"Why yes, i DID write the words all by myself!!!"

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