Friday, September 21, 2007

Bin Laden and High School Football

This joint on Sully yesterday made me think of my high school football days. We’d spend all week practicing REACTING to our upcoming opponent. IE they run a wing-T, shit we better change our defense; they run a 4-4 defense so we better monkey with our offense etc etc. I used to think why don’t we run OUR offense and defense and fuck them – let THEM worry about us. King William has run the double wing every Friday night of the fall for about 40 years now; they prolly don’t even know or care who they’re playing. Run your strength, don’t let your opponent choose the play for you. I touched on how Bin Laden makes us over-act here a while back (going down memory lane w/Xmastime!!) Maybe someone should send Dubya some film of King William rolling over us 48-6 every year, he could prolly learn something. Well, hopefully something other than "boy, how many times is that dude gonna blaze by #82 untouched for another 6?" Cough.

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