Wednesday, September 12, 2007

I Can Be a Geek Too!!!!!

As my opinion is incredibly important on all fronts, thought I'd take a moment to briefly comment on GodIHateYourBand's finalized list of the 100 Greatest Songs of All Time. Well, the Top 10 anyways.

1) Like a Rolling Stone (Bob Dylan) - absolutely #1. Greatest song ever, as per my comments on my own list here. Anyone who didn’t have this one their list I gotta wonder about. And by "I gotta wonder about" I mean "pretty much am dead certain is gay."

2) I Wanna Hold Your Hand (The Beatles) - again, on my list. Great choice, unbeatable sheer energy/excitement. I love it when music geeks discredit the early Beatles, snidely calling it “teenybopper.” They only love them from Rubber Soul on, when they became “artists.” I love it cause any idiot who proclaims this is one more person I can scratch off my list of ever having to talk to again.

3) Satisfaction (Rolling Stones) – eh. Not my Stone slice of slices. It’s a great song, prolly a victim of hearing it too much through the years. Which is my problem with the Stones; how many more times do we hafta hear “Start Me Up” “Paint it Black” and “Jumpin Jack Flash” over & over? The Stones probably have about 100 great cuts they don’t even remember recording. Do they themselves have to be as lazy live as radio programmers are? If this song came out today it would be huge. Same thing goes for Eli Manning, of course.

4) Tangled Up in Blue (Bob Dylan) – love love love it. Though I guess I’ve always kinda thought of it as “Like a Rolling Stone Junior.” Kicks off what may be my favorite Dylan album. An album so great that sometimes this incredible song vacillates between #1 and #3 on it.

5) Thunder Road (Bruce Springsteen) – okay, this one’s driving me fucking nuts. I love “Thunder Road.” We all love “Thunder Road.” But how the FUCK could anyone pick this over “Born to Run”?!?!???!???!? Obviously if you know “Thunder Road” you know “Born to Run” as they’re on the same album. So ignorance is no excuse. As much as I love Bruce, and you know this, I cannot accept this in the 5-spot. It’s only my 4th favorite on the album!!!!!!! A bad choice. A great song, but a bit meandering, does not belong here. Furious!!

6) Waterloo Sunset (The Kinks) – another surprise this high, I always thought “Days” was more popular and woulda beat this. Ah well. A beautiful song, Ray Davies out-Englishing even himself.

7) Walk Away Renee (The Left Banke) – a happy surprise; for years I thought I was the only person who even knew this song, a la “Him or Me” by Paul Revere and the Raiders or “Have I the Right” by the Honeycombs. Or "Big City, Miss Ruth Ann" by...whoever. Great great sad sad song. Though I may prefer their other hit “Pretty Ballerina.” But props to whomever loved this slice. Wasn’t on my list, but glad it’s here. Also has that rushed ending, just like I picture it back then how they cut records. The tape just runs out on the engineer. "But I have one more verse about racial equality, the existence of a higher being and world peace that we didn't get to!" "Nah fuck it, it's great, let's ship it." BAM! On the radio that afternoon.

8) Smells Like Teen Spirit (Nirvana) – anyone who knows me knows my thoughts on this band. Might need a whole post for this; will move on before I get angry.

9) A Day in the Life (The Beatles) – what can you say about this one? Absolute highest moment on the highest of albums. Yes, I know as a Beatles freak I’m supposed to turn my nose up at Sgt Pepper; fuck yeeeeeeew. One of a small handful of songs that had they beat out “Like a Rollnig Stone” for #1, I wouldn’t have gone apeshit. Also, Ringo’s single greatest drumming performance other than “Rain.” And I guess the last great instance of John or Paul adding the middle eight into the other’s song, making it even more amazing.

10) God Only Knows (The Beach Boys) – Carl’s dead, so I can’t pick on this cut. It’s a great one, I love it and don’t begrudge it’s standing here, but if presented with Pet Sounds on a juke, I always go for “Waiting for the Day” or “Wouldn’t It Be Nice.” Maybe even “I Know There’s an Answer.” That said, an amazing performance and production.


  1. Anonymous10:50 AM

    hey, xmastime! just read your blog for first time.i didn't know you were a left banke fan. you should check out the jens lekman song "black cab". it's an incredible reinvention of the left banke song "i've got something on my mind". also, his whole 1995 album "oh you're sop silent, jens" at times feels like something of an homage to the left banke. see you around!

  2. the eli manning comment made apple sauce come up thru my nose

  3. Anonymous12:16 PM

    oops, i meant to say 2005 above
