Monday, October 29, 2007

Damn Yankees

So A-Rod, as per his contract, has opted out of his contract and is dipping his toe into the $300M waters. And so all day I've read articles and listened to people call into the radio who are disgusted both with the fact that money is more important to him than winning, and his lack of loyalty to the Yankees. Because yes, he should be more than happy to take whatever the Yankees offer him, suck it up with a big smile on his face to stay with a team that has shown him "loyalty." Such loyalty that basically means hanging him out to dry as the sole reason the Yankees haven't won a ring in four years, or batting 8th in a playoff game, or Jeter not taking 30 seconds to tell people to get off his back. They have let him be shredded time and time again and, now that he had a year for the ages and didn't fall in a heap of his own urine at home plate in the playoffs, we simply cannot believe that he would walk away from us. Now that we actually want him, we're stunned to find he's not doing backflips to stay in NY. "They like me!! They really like me!!"

As for this money is more important to him than winning nonsense, enuff. Everybody's being haughty and self-righteous about this one. There's not a player in this league who isn't set for life. Where are all the "competitors" that are lining up to play for winners for the league minimum? Last time I checked, every single player is getting as much money as he possibly can, wherever he can get it. Who can name the last baseball player that took a pay cut to play for a contender? Jeter's such a winner and competitor, why isn't he demanding to be traded to the Red Sox to play for food money? Last time I checked, he hasn't won anything since 2000, and he's banking about $20M a year. I don't see him cutting his own salary to give the Yankees more money to sign talent - is making money more important to Jeter than winning?

The Yankees let A-Rod get pissed on for four years, then deliver a "you better take what we offer you" ultimatum. Now he wants to make as much money as he can and play where he won't get booed everytime he doesn't crank one 450 feet. I'm sorry, who's the asshole here?


  1. jeters a perfect example. he couldve tested free agency, but didnt. you dont think boston wouldve offered him more?

    arod is an ass for saying what people want to hear instead of: the city sucks. i cant find good chinese. i want to play short. business is business. etc, etc.

  2. don't know about baseball players, but Pennington took a paycut so the Jets could sign Coles.
