Tuesday, October 30, 2007

My Last A-Rod Post (for now!!!!)

Still fuming re: everyone crying over A-Rod opting out; righteous indignation flying through the air about his greediness and lack of loyalty. Cause yeah, I’m sure that if you worked for Wal-Mart and were aware that Target could possibly offer you a ridiculous amount of money you wouldn’t even think of listening to the offer. Right. And team loyalty is so prevalent with pro athletes these days - oh my god, WHAT will we tell the children?!?!?!

But what I’m chafed at now is the stuff about him “hijacking” the World Series to make his announcement. Now, I realize I’m biased here. I’m a Yankees fan and an A-Rod defender, so I know I’m not 100% rational here. I find it hard to believe he’d be that calculating and, well, an asshole; but I understand everyone else thinking it’s a dick move. And if Vishnu came down from wherever Vishnu comes from and says “Xmas, they’re right” well I wouldn’t be shocked.


Now I gotta read shit like this in the Daily News, that, and I quote, “He forced Buck, McCarver and the team to do five, 10 minutes on A-Rod's free agency instead of the Rockies' great late-season run or Red Sox pitcher Jon Lester beating cancer to win the clinching game of the World Series.”

Really? Buck and McCarver were “forced” to talk about A-Rod instead of the Sox and Rockies? This drives me nuts – now we’re led to believe that A-Rod was in the studio flailing on the ground crying like a baby screaming at B&M to talk about him before finally putting a gun to their heads and making them do it. Fucking camon. Is it POSSIBLE they could’ve decided to not talk about it til later on? Even if we assume it was a dick move, even if we assume that A-rod was gleefully rubbing his hands together “I’m gonna destroy the Red Sox’ moment!!”, were Buck and McCarver really “forced” to talk about A-Rod? Give me a fucking break. How bout giving some of the responsibility to Buck and McCarver? No good; it's all on A-Rod? Hmm. They sound like fucking babies. We're even supposed to feel sorry for them, as Hinckley ruefully shakes his head and squeezes out a tear for B&M: "This call was just out of their hands. " Oh, waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhh!! Poor guys!!!!

Let A-Rod go for fuckssake. Then we can focus on how he crashed those planes into those buildings, or pushed Susan Smith's car into that lake.

1 comment:

  1. I like that some of the Rangers nicknamed A-Rod "The Cooler." Look, he can do what he wants, but don't hand me that bullshit about posada, pettite, mariano, etc. Go ask them what they're doing and then decide. Or better yet, wait the ten days and see what they do. He didn't give a shit about that stuff, and that's fine, he doesn't have to, but don't piss on my pancakes and tell me it's syrup.

    The Times guy had it right, he's a piece of art you buy and stick on your wall for a few years.

    And one last thing, his wife is really hot.
