Thursday, October 04, 2007

Fag Pinz

And while I’m patting Obama on the fanny (jesus...i GOTTA take a break from Mike and the Mad Dog...), good for him for ditching those ridiculous, ubiquitous flag pins that have come to mean nothing other than “I am a living, breathing person and on your tv right now.” Are we really supposed to see these things on EVERY FUCKING PERSON ON TV and decide “wow, ____________ loves freedom! And the troops! Yaaaaaaay, flag pins!” Grow up. Having a little metal pin on your suit doesn’t mean you are any more patriotic than having some whale tail means you’re going to give me a blow job on the bus (though I do enjoy the show.)

And am I dreaming, or is that twice in one day Obama has pleased me? Did some young, buxom staffer catch his hear and let him know that he was getting hammered on Xmastime??!!

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