Thursday, October 04, 2007

Torture: YES NO circle one

Unconquerable Gladness points out here that Obama has quickly come out strong against the administration’s secret torture orders. Another in a long line of unnecessarily secretive, illegal, maybe-nobody-will-notice-we’re-fucking-things-up-totally acts of the administration based on something that TA-DA...doesn’t even work in the first place. How’s torture been working so far? We “kicking ass!” yet? And you know what, if you’re going to do shit that’s immoral and illegal and repulsive to anyone who’s even part human, at least make sure the shit works! Water-board my ass and within seconds I’ll tell you I shot Kennedy, fuck little boys and have never watched all of Caddyshack. Torture does not work; is it worth being morally bankrupt?
But I digress...good for Obama and his quick response. But I’m a little shocked at how long it’s taking the other candidates...I mean, are there really meetings going on right now to decide which side of this thing to come out on? Unless you’re fishing for votes from 2 people (Bush and Cheney), are you really worried how coming out against a secret torture plan will hurt you in the polls? Really? Secret torture orders, and you have to sleep on it?

I’m reminded of a young Josh Lyman, in only the second year of President Bartlett’s first administration, talking to a congressman about gun control:
You know, I realize as an adult not everyone shares my view of the world. And with an issue as hot as gun control I'm prepared to accept a lot of different points of view as being perfectly valid. But we can all get together on the grenade launcher, right?

For fuck’s sake. If you can’t come out against this shit, maybe you don’t have the ovaries it takes to be my president.

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