Thursday, October 04, 2007

Seriously, Is this MOtherfucker Getting Paid by the Allusion?

"If I had chased all of these frivolous issues, I never would have turned around the deficit in New York City. I never would have reduced crime . . . welfare . . . and I wouldn't have been able to handle Sept. 11," he said.

Yet ANOTHER way Count Douchebag has found to squeeze 9-11 into questions re: his wife's infamous cell phone call during his chat with the NRA. Fucking hell - which reporter is he gonna pay to ask him on the record for the Yankees' odds of winning it all this year, to which he'll respond " win the Series?...oh, I'm gonna say the odds are ... 9 to 11."? aaarrgggghhh!!!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:11 PM

    Easy chief, word is that her fan club and/or record label are buying up downloads to pad the stats. Britney is over. Her phone number will be e-mailed to you momentarily.
