Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Another Reason America Sucks

Are you fucking kidding me? 15,000 entries and the winner is "hey, let's throw some cold cuts on it"??!! Wtf?? Re-ignites my chagrin re: McDoanld's spending 2 years developing...a big cheeseburger. Wow. What the fuck is wrong with people? Gee, can we have less imagination? No wonder this country's going in the fucking shitter. Pun intended.

I promise you this: by this time next week, I will have created a few burgers for you people to choose from. I will huddle with my burger consigliere Op and give you some real fucking home runs; not "burger with extra lettuce - wow!!" fucking hell.

"Hey, look at me! I'm a complete fucking douchebag!"

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