Friday, December 07, 2007

10 Subjects I'd Like to See the Folks Over at GodIHateYourBand Tackle

Any of the follwing.

- The 80s was a surprisingly good decade for Christmas music.

- Appetite for Destruction is completely overrated; to hear people talk about it now you'd think it was Revolver times Highway 61. It's a pretty good album, but that's it. Hey, you were better than Poison. Congratulations.

- 200 words on why I should give 2 shits if Wilco's tour bus falls off a mountain and explodes in a ball of fire. No survivors.

- Did rap peak with Public Enemy and has it spent the last 17 years basically saying the same stupid shit over and over? Yes, you're rich. I get it.

- Who's the next band nobody cares about today but will break up and come back in 20 years somehow bigger than the Beatles, a la the Pixies?

- Am I a bad American for thinking Gram Parsons is WAAAAAAAAY overrated, his "genius" only created by mythology and great timing of his own death?

- Why aren't Pete Doherty and Amy Winehouse married?

- Lenny Kravitz is a current day version of TheDoors: he completely sucks but every female on the planet would stab you in the neck for saying so.

- Will Dave Grohl ever be able to write another song that mentions a person, place or thing without everyone wondering if it's about Kurt Cobain? And does it even matter since he's in the most boring band in ther world anyway?

- If Robin Givens and Tyra Banks ever exchange bicycle seats can I be there?

Okay, the last one was for me.


  1. appetite overrated but the great songs on it (Jungle, It's So Easy, Brownstone, Paradise City, Rocket Queen) are incredible. The rest not so hot. That's ok Use or Illusions I, II underrated.

  2. "Who's the next band nobody cares about today but will break up and come back in 20 years somehow bigger than the Beatles, a la the Pixies?"

    I'm still expecting the return of 'The Call". I think Michael Been was amazing, with his pure raw emotion. I went to hear Todd Rundgren last night and was shocked when he did " And The Walls Fell Down". AMAZING. I wonder where he is these days? No one I talk to ever heard of him.
