Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Michael Vick

So Scooter Libby is convicted of obstruction of justice, two counts of perjury and one count of making false statements to federal investigators. In a case which dealt with the outing of a CIA officer which, in a world where such things matter and the rules can't be changed on a whim, is a breach of national security. You remember national security, right? The thing that is pounded on us every day and for which we as citizens are supposed to gladly hand over our civil liberties and Constitution for? Right, that's the one. So Libby plays a part in comprimising national security - yours, mine, ours - and, thanks to who his buddies are, spends....zero months in jail. Nada. Back at the country club by Monday.

And yet Michael Vick gets 2 years? Yes I realize that I'm a cold man who will rot in hell for not thinking the single worst thing you can do in this world is kill dogs. Yes, I think Vick should be punished. Harshly. But let's take this moment to remember that we're in the middle of a "war" where men are dying and being mutilated in the name of our own "national security" - yet the people who have comprimised our security are hitting the links while Vick's sent away to a prison cell, his career over. Seems, in a word, whack to me. Out of kilter.

The fact is, how many of us today even remember Scooter Libby? This administration has so many fuck ups flying out at us that it's almost impossible to remember them; I'm sure something has happened since I started typing this that we'll be reading about next week. Hell, it took Michael Vick being sentenced to remind me of Libby. A part of genius on Bush's part, no? It's come to the point where it's too exhausting to keep up with their bullshit, you almost feel like "well, unless Bush and Cheney come to my house and ass-rape me, I can't even bother anymore", right?

I sayy let's put Scooter Libby in the ring with a coupla pit bulls, see what happens.

1 comment:

  1. So Scooter Libby is convicted of obstruction of justice, two counts of perjury and one count of making false statements to federal investigators. In a case which dealt with the outing of a CIA officer which, in a world where such things matter and the rules can't be changed on a whim, is a breach of national security. You remember national security, right? The thing that is pounded on us every day and for which we as citizens are supposed to gladly hand over our civil liberties and Constitution for? Right, that's the one. So Libby plays a part in comprimising national security - yours, mine, ours - and, thanks to who his buddies are, spends....zero months in jail. Nada. Back at the country club by Monday.

    And yet Michael Vick gets 2 years?

    And what's with those 7-11s? whre does it say in the manual that you have to be a swami to serve a slurpee?

    Jaysus Christ on a bike, Xmastime, have some self-respect. It's a blog, not a spittoon.
