Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Good Ol' Sistatime!

I've mentioned Sistatime!'s talent for getting off the phone quickly (a virtue to me) and she didn't let me down tonight.

XMAS: so yeah, I guess I'll let you go, you can meet up with your friends...
SISTATIME!: hey! it's my birthday!
XMAS: well, I thought -
SISTATIME!: how often do you get to talk to your sister on her birthday?!?!?
XMAS: once a year?
SISTATIME!: that's right! once a goddam year, you can talk to me on the phone!
XMAS: alright, that's cool
SISTATIME!: for chrissake, it's my birthday
XMAS: you're right
SISTATIME!: my birthday, I think you can spare 10 minutes to talk
XMAS: cool. hey listen, I was th-
SISTATIME!: ride's here, gotta bounce bye (click)

Here's to SISTATIME! Love it! :)

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