Thursday, January 24, 2008

Sistatime Part II

Phone call from Sistatime a few minutes ago re: the Fireside Chat:

SISTATIME: oh my god!! That was disgusting!! If you're going to show your ASS on your blog, you have to give out some sort of disclaimor?
SISTATIME: you KNOW your family reads the blog!! If you're gonna do something like this, post a warning!
XMASTIME: well, that would've taken away the surprise, no?
SISTATIME: how would you like it if I posted a video of me naked?
XMASTIME: well, I wouldn't watch it.
SISTATIME: what if you didn't know, and you just started watching?
XMASTIME: well, now I know. If all of a sudden there's a video of you, I'll know not to watch.
SISTATIME: how would you know that?
XMASTIME: cause of...what you just said.
SISTATIME: about your ASS online for me to see by accident?
XMASTIME: no, what you just said about a video of you. If one appeared I wouldn't watch it.
SISTATIME: but there's no video of me! I would never do that!
XMASTIME: well, there ya go
XMASTIME: I said, if y-
SISTATIME: in the driveway, gotta bounce, bye (click)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Touche. I checked with the other female in the family. (despite your brother trying to warn her not to view the video). And she agreed. It was horrible.

But- you have to wonder, why did brother-time let his wife watch it??