Thursday, January 24, 2008


One of the coolest things about SISTATIME is that as monstrously chatty and girly as she is, there is no one on Earth quicker to get off the phone. You know how it is with some people, you gotta start trying to wrap up the conversation from the moment you say "hello"; getting them to actually end the conversation and hang up is is harder than finding a John Cougar cut on a black dude's iPod. Geez. It's so great with her, you can actually cut her off in the imddle of a sentence, and she has no problem sayin okay, bye, click. For example:

SISTATIME: so yeah, I could really use your advice on this; this could really save my life. I'm dying over here, tell me what I should do.
XMASTIME: Well, I was about to walk into this store, let m-
SISTATIME: okay bye (click)

Or she can pull the trigger herself:

SISTATIME: really? you found out who did it?
XMASTIME: absolutely, I know out who shot JFK! It was the-
SISTATIME: okay I'm home now, gotta go (click)

As someone who is terrible on the phone, I really appreciate this. Here's to Sistatime!

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