Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Fun Being a Knick Hater

Sometimes you really hafta be in the middle of NYC sports fans' batshit to believe it. The Knicks as you know hired the Suns coach, D'Antoni. He has a reputation of being an offensive-minded coach; ie get your ass up and down the court as fast and as often as possible. Meanwhile Knickeridiot fans are up in arms cause dammit, they want a defensive coach!! For some reason, I guess they think this is "The Knick Way." Hmm. Hey dipshits, nobody on your team has played D since Van Gundy clung to Mourning's leg trying stop the beat-down back in the '98 playoffs. Maybe D'Antoni doesn't preach defense, but he has won about 58 games a year. Or, Confucious say, 30 more than the Knicks every year. So knock off this "losing every night 78-67 is more honorable!!" bullshit. You have a 7-foot "center" that averaged 4 boards a game for chrissake, so let's not pretend the Knicks aren't already just a buncha of lazy non-D playing shitheads anyway. Claiming to wanna play with heart and guts hasn't work out for this group, maybe going in the other direction of "hey, we can shoot 300 times a game!" might work for these idiots.

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