Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Yay! More Dumb Shit!

I see another one of Sully's partners in grime (I just made that up!!) is going over the top with screeching hystrionics re: Hillary staying in the race. Cause she is, I read, a "horrible human being." She is, unlike most politicians, "like some spoiled hateful egotistical brat." Hmm.

It's writers like this that make me say you know what, if you honestly think her staying in the race is killing Obama's chances of beating McCain, then good. Ive had it. If we really are such a band of fucking idiots that we're gonna be sprinting to the polls for JV Bush after eight years of this shit, then good! If we can't beat McCain with a fucking olive loaf in a tube sock this November, then we get what we deserve - or, more importantly, what we've asked for. It's embarrassing enough that about half the country are holding up their porridge bowls asking for "more please sir!"; now we hafta honestly think that our bordering-on-the-absurd-stupidity is due to Hilalry not dropping out already? Please. We didn't need her help fucking shit up in 2004 like a bunch of retards; we certainly don't need it now.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. i could go for some olive loaf out of a tube sock about now. Or porridge.

    i understand your dismay at the tension which seems to building within your party. seems like there's already plenty of tube steak, i mean sock, flying around as these two battle it for the nomination. You, at least, can see the idiocy of it all. Here's your people, 'a bunch of retards bordering on the absurd stupidty', while McCain, cool as a cucumber in a fishnet stockings, is being taken more seriously than ever. I think this is a time to step back and as OBama put it so eloquently, "let's just see how it goes".
