Friday, May 23, 2008

Xmastime Hearts Likeforeverdawggy

My buddy over at Like Forever has posted a few things she's not in love with this week. Me being me, I thought it only right that I chime in with my two sense.

1. people who cut you off (in a car) and don't do the obligatory hand wave

I don’t like the obligatory hand wave; it tells me the person was aware of what they’re doing. I like to think that to have the gall to cut me off, they must’ve been driving shitfaced. “BETTER fucking be drunk!” I’ll say as I see a beer can fly out the window.

2. holding the door open for people who then briskly walk through without so much as a 'thank you.'

I don’t know this one. Nobody breezes into a building I’m holding the door open to without asking if I live in the building, who do I know in the building, do I have somewhere else to go, etc. You may know these people as “cops.”

3. cops (unless they are stripping or singing)

Those are the ones.

4. big toe hair (do i shave it?)

Yes, a cameltoe joke writes itself here, but like I said the LF is a friend of mine and I respect her, so you won’t be getting the joke here. Though as usual you “Xmas Insiders” who are paid up through this month may email me for the riff I would’ve used (Platinum Members – your Fleshlights should’ve arrived in the mail by now, contact me if they haven’t.)

5. muffin tops

If this is a tasty euphemism for “fat chicks”, I’m with you here. (also tasty: “fat fucking pigs.” Mmmmm.)

6. weavers (people who walk painfully slow and weave in and out of your path as you attempt to pass...."hurry it up grandma!")

ah, you Motherfuckers on the Sidewalk. It happens EVERY FUCKING TIME I LEAVE MY HOUSE. But especially if I’m running just a liiiiiiiittle late and kinda wanna book it to the train; this is when the “Total Fuckwad Bat-Signal” goes out and people swarm the sidewalk to slow me down. But it’s not the number of people, it’s how they somehow cleverly fill up the sidewalk JUST enough so I can’t pass them. They’ll spread out 3 or 4 wide, seemingly passable, slooooooowly dithering along as I’m bobbing and weaving behind them, looking for a hole. Four hipster motherfuckers looking around like it’s the first time they’ve ever seen bricks and windows, and I’ve gotta be fucking Gale Sayers to get by them. They’re really brilliant – I try to go left and they JUUUUUUUUUST ease over to the left so I can’t get by. At any step I’m perfectly, geometrically hemmed in by any combination of trees, garbage, cars and fuckwads. Unreal. The hand signals these people must have. “He’s going right!! Use the Happy Hour sign to cut him off!” Takes 20 minutes to walk two blocks, and by then I’ve actually walked about 18 miles, darting back and forth left and right trying to pass these motherfuckers. Unreal. Bravo, fuckwads.

You super-fans may recall this from here.

Ooooh stealing from myself; how Fogerty! So fucking sue me, I need the publicity.

7. the term 'bro'

"Excuse me?"

8. delivery folks who don't bother to buzz even though you are home and purposefully waiting for the gotdamn package.

What are you doing at home during the day? Jesus Christ, do white people fucking work?

9. nyc bus driving

Really? When do you find yourself driving a bus in NYC? Do you live in a Die Hard movie?

10. bikers who scream "share the road!" and then cut you off to run a red light (see item 1)

I’m with you there, bikers are fucking worthless. “The devil’s oven mitts”, one may say.

11. people who get in the elevator ahead of you and HAVE to push their floor button at the expense of anyone getting on in a timely manner, then standing directly in front of the button panel as you attempt to make your selection all the while acting disgruntled by your need to reach around them to select a floor. fuckers.

I like these people; if it’s a woman, it gives me a chance to “accidentally” hit some chest fat while trying to reach my floor button. If it’s a man I'm probably getting off on his floor with him anyways since hey, money is money.

12. cellulite

Is it me, or is it ironic that the last 4 letters in “cellulite” are “lite”? Who comes up with these names? Cruel fucker! (tho prolly not a fatass)

13. bugaboos

Those things do suck. Christ, look at it – where the fuck do you put your empties? No thanks.

14. bugaboo moms

Oh, I’ll still do them if(in) I(the) can.

15. the fact that i can't afford a bugaboo

So you’re unemployed, poor, and drive a bus around the city for fun. Interesting.
16th question: "Are you a sitcom character? Yes or no?"

16. the olive garden commercial where the "grandson" treats his "grandfather" to a meal. "grandfather" doesn't look a day over 46.

Maybe “grandma” was the town slut & got knocked up at 15? I dunno why, but that just reminded me of the fact that the last date I ever went on with my first girlfriend was at the Olive Garden. Interesting.

17. golf umbrellas used as everyday city umbrellas. not the problem. the fact they DON'T THINK TO LIFT IT ABOVE YOUR HEAD or move around you as they "share the sidewalk" is a problem. assholes.

Sorry, but if you know the difference between a “golf umbrella” and an “everyday city umbrella,” you might be an asshole. :(

18. not getting my US Weekly delivered in a timely manner (every Thursday mr/mrs postperson!!!)

This, I'm on board with.

19. street spitters

Better than sidewalk nose-blowers. All trumped, of course, by chicks who take umbrage cause I’m looking at their tits to read their t-shirt that reads “CRAZY 4 (picture of a chicken)” Excuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuse me, Grandma!!

20. Baked get 3 chips to a bag. fraudulent.

Ugh. These baked fucking things, they taste like wood. Without the flavor. The only thing worse than 3 baked chips is 4 - like another dick in your own bedroom, it’s always one too many.

21. my hubby's ass in the morning.

"I'm listening."


  1. Anonymous10:43 AM

    why you always gotta be showin' me up?

  2. dammit...its not enuff im prettier than you, now i gotta steal from you too!!?!?!?!?! i hate me!!
