Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Are We the Uncle Buck of the World?

I didn't notice much of the immediate fallout post Gulf War the First; I was too busy telling co-eds that I was about to be drafted and didn't wanna die an anal three-way virgin. Unlike today, when I have plenty of time between putting on my Mitten Puppet Theatre Summerstock Seasons.

But one thing I remember is how pissed the Iraqis were that we stuck around so long afterwards. And since not learning from our own history no matter how recent it is has become one of our trademarks, we seem to be doing it again; of course this time it's with not American soldiers, but hired guns (literally.) which I am against, as I stated HERE:
To me, there is something strange about a nation that sets up a collection of laws based on morals and values, and then is okay with paying private companies to house people that (allegedly) break said laws. Likewise I'm not in favor of hiring private, mercenary companies to do our fighting for us; I believe if a country wants to go to war yet can't rouse up enough people from it's population who morally support the cause to join the fighting it simply should not fight that war.

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