Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Efuckingnough Already.

Too much has been made about Obama being civil to Chavez - shaking hands, being cordial, and accepting a book. First of all, I believe I speak for everyone when I say how refreshing it is to have a President that we all assume reads books.

If it was me walking up to Obama with a book, I would've been stopped by his Secret Service detail and "handled." Chavez was not stopped because as an elected president of a country, he is actually somebody that matters in the world; a country like us may wish to have an open dialogue with some time in the future. Whether we like him or not or think he's a shithead, I fail to see how scolding him like a child in front of the world is more advantageous than...well, ANYthing else.

And enough with body language bullshit. Obama's the President, he's not auditioning for Fletch 6. We can either sit around like 6th grade girls and judge his "performance" like we're Simon Cowell, or we can remember that it's nice having a large oil-producing country being nice to us (excluding cheap rhetoric that nobody takes seriously.) This CAN be a first step in moving away from what we've become - a country of baby-dick feelings and emotions. "Oh this country doesn't like us, and this person was mean waaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh!!!"

Whining that Obama's eye movement was off or his posture was a bit lagging does not mean Chavez' face is gonna be on the US flag tomorrow and the plantain is going to be the national bird. It does, however, make you an idiot.

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