Sunday, April 05, 2009

Curt Schilling's Brain - Outsourced to a Piece of Wood?

My BFF Curt Schilling has posted his 2009 Red Sox Preview HERE, and kicks it off with this paragraph:
Terry Francona will manage the personnel to their maximum effectiveness, regardless of what any second-guessing couch potatoes want to think or know. Tito knows more than you about his players, and always will.

I'm not sure I can say why Curt felt the need to say this. While yes, I do expect fans of his to be complete idiots, does he really think there's a contingent that claims to know more about Red Sox players than their manager? Really? Sounds oddly defensive, no? If he's threatened by know-it-all blowhards who call into sports radio stations blathering nonsense, can't somebody step in and gently remind him that that was HIMSELF he's thinking of? Wtf?

Like anybody who watches a lot of baseball I second-guess shit all the time to whatever friend will listen; but, as he spends every day with them and I have spent 0 minutes with them, I would never actually claim to "know the players" better than the manager. But then, I'm not a complete fucking retard, so maybe I just don't speak the same language as Curt. And that makes me sad :(

And then just to make sure we don't forget he is a complete fucking buffoon, Curt picks the Red Sox to win 105 games. Yes. In a year wherein their division is being touted as the toughest in memory, in which the Sox/Yankees/Rays are going to spend all year chewing each other up, Schilling thinks now that the Sox have gotten rid of Manny Ramirez and Tim Wakefield will be pitching underhand they will win 105 games. Hmm. Doubt it. To do that they'd pretty much hafta go 38-0 against the Orioles and Blue Jays, which I'm going to assume might not happen.

If he keeps this pace of absolute stupidity up, I have a feeling his beloved GOP will soon come running to get Curt to run for Congress.

Ah, Curt. What can we say? You're a blithering fucking idiot, and that's why we love you!

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