Sunday, April 05, 2009

Oooooh, I'ts Hot! I Need a Le Pull-Over!!!!

The egghead elitists are all worked up trying to scare us because it looks like "An ice bridge linking a shelf of ice to two islands in Antarctica has shattered and may herald a wider collapse caused by global warming.”

See article HERE.

Hahahahaa!! Hey, geniuses - if it's so hot thanks to "global warming", WHY IS THERE STILL ICE??!?!?! I set a piece of ice out on the sidewalk and if it's hot, it's gone! No ice!! And yet GEEEEEE, what do we have here - ice! Looks like TONS of it!! I bet if you went to Antarctica you'd be like "goddam, it's fucking COLD here!!!"

Go back to Harvard and kill some fetuses, Mr. Book-Learning; Real America isn't interested in your fucking fairy tales.


  1. The Gnat9:55 PM

    No link to offer - but I read that the Arctic ice is at a 6 year high or something. Anyway science lies and AL Gore is its bullhorn.

  2. and you wonder why you never got higher than a 154 on one of Mr. Hewitt's tests :( poor Gnat

  3. Gnat, did you hear that the arctic circle reached it's maximum extent? Because it did. I do not think that phrase means what you think it means:

    On February 28, Arctic sea ice reached its maximum extent for the year, at 15.14 million square kilometers (5.85 million square miles). The maximum extent was 720,000 square kilometers (278,000 square miles) below the 1979 to 2000 average of 15.86 million square kilometers (6.12 million square miles), making it the fifth-lowest maximum extent in the satellite record.
    (From : )

  4. The Gnat4:41 PM

    Entirely possible I misread it. I don't worry much about the Earth - it's the people that you have to look out for. But it did snow in RVA this year, so global disaster avoided, right?
