Sunday, April 05, 2009

Send Lawyers, Guns and Money to Detroit

I touched on the Pittsburgh police shooting HERE last night, and this morning I'm reading that his paranoia re: Obama was going to come to his house and takes his guns away was indeed ratcheted up by the right wing a la Beck/Bachmann/CHUCK NORRIS et al.

First of all, I'd say to Glenn Beck et al that they should be flattered that in this day & age of the ADD-riddled channel-surfing 2-second memory span, someone listened to what you said and kept it in his head long enough to actually do something about it. I'm guessing this means you're PRETTY fucking awesome at what you do; unlike most of the country which is a buncha video game-playing couch potatoes, you got peeps out there participatin' instead of hatin'. Cap doffed.

On a more practical note - I've noticed that after they turn out the lights at Ford Field tomorrow night and the auto industry cashes it in, Detroit will be pretty much empty. Detroit in the 60's was the 4th-biggest city in the country, so I'm thinking it can be stuffed with plenty of people - why not make all these people to whom the right to own a gun is more important than life itself move to Detroit? Other than a hunting rifle IN RURAL AREAS!!!, if you wanna buy a gun that's fine, but then you gotta move to Detroit, where there will be no rules: you and your fellow gun-toters can have absolute freedom to blow away whomever you want. Massive shootings in the streets? Go for it! Make up leagues with teams who just go around shooting the fuck outta each other - in other words hey, enjoy yourself! Meanwhile the rest of us can be left alone to do less important things like create industry and jobs, have families and, you know, live our lives as a society. A win-win, n'est-pas? Plus, the irony of such right-wing gun "enthusiasts" having to live in a city originally settled by of all people the French is too good to pass up, right?

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