Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Good Lord

I think that when Bernie Goldberg, who has made a career out of crying that the media slobbers over the left, becomes the voice of reason, it might be time for everybody to hit some sort of national RESET button. Good lord; this is like Lady Gaga arranging a "Put some pants on" intervention, right?

Good for Bernie, whom I bitched about HERE and HERE. Standing up to the likes of Hannity gives the Right at least a chance to get someone from their party some air time who isn't a complete jackass (I'm assuming these people exist.)

Side Note - the right could use this whole pirate thing as an opportunity to APPEAR magnanimous, thus lending itself more credibility when bitching about something more relevant to Obama's presidency. One trick of arguing is pummeling the opponent with compliments about things that don't matter; softening them up and giving yourself credibility for when you talk about things that actually matter. For instance, appearing indignant at the thought that Bush is an idiot, taking some time to mention he shoulda been the commish of MLB etc before paradiddling your opponent with him being the shittiest president ever. In other words, pick your battles dumbasses. In other OTHER words, at least try to fucking fool us.

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