Friday, January 16, 2009

Emotional Slobbering (Don't Live Here)

One thing that has surprised me is how quickly the GOP went from the party of no-nonsense, button-down seriousness to one of symbols and histrionic emotions; there is no argument they think they can't win with a moving, tear-jerker anecdote about soldiers, flags and Jesus. You don't need me to tell you how well that has served the party over the last few years.

But now I see that they're trying to transfer that emotionalism over to everybody else, and that bugs the shit outta me. Tonight on The O'Reilly Show both Bernie Goldberg and Glenn Beck bemoaned that liberals hate George Bush in such a way that it's a disease - someone like me simply cannot control my hatred of Bush; I cannot see the facts in front of me, I am blinded by some unvalidated hatred of Bush.

You know, George Bush didn't steal my girlfriend. He didn't take my spot on the football team and he didn't spread rumors about getting to third base with my sister. So I am not driven by some personal, irrational vendetta. So I don't think I'm being "diseased" when I say that he was a shitty president. This isn't like an old Lakers fan trying to say that Larry Bird was a shitty basketball player - whether you agree with me or not, I don't think anyone can say that my thinking Bush did a shitty job is the product of some blinding, rage-filled "disease." At worst I'm 100% right, at BEST it's open for debate.

Also, Bernie apparently has written a book about the media "slobbering" their love all over Obama. Unqualified gushing over "the prince who is ready to take his seat at the throne," according to Bernie. According to Bernie, we're all gushing about Obama now, will be gushing about him at the inaugaration, and will still be gushing all over him at the end of his stay at the White House. Bernie seemed particularly outraged at that last bit of gushing.

Which surprises me...I'm sorry, but wouldn't it be a good thing is we are in fact "gushing" over Obama at the end of his presidency? Look at Bush as he leaves office - even GOP loyalists can't be called "gushing" over him, due to the last 8 years. What if the opposite were to come true for Obama? What if in 8 years we ARE gushing over him, wouldn't that have meant that he did a great job? And wouldn't that be a good thing for everybody? Isn't that what we want?

If you're thinking about going to a restaurant and somebody says "oh, after the meal you'll be gushing over the chef and giving him a standing ovation," would that make you NOT wanna go to the restaurant? Of course not. So Bernie, as usual, is a fucking idiot.

I'm sorry your big-daddy, over-wrought faux-sentimental way of doing things has failed you. But don't pin that shit on me.

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