Thursday, April 16, 2009

I'm an Idiot. Can I Be Elected to Congress? (to be said like DeNiro's "I've got nipples Greg. Can you milk me?" line in Meet the Parents)

Probably the most curious part of all the right-wing nuttery to me these days is that the noises aren't just coming from a few nutjobs with an internet connection, or even the talking heads at FOX News. It's that the loudest cheerleaders are, amazingly, Congressman and governors. Be it the Texas gov trying to work the state into a frenzy re: a secession that won't happen, or a Congressman from Illinois suggesting (for the SECOND TIME) that tax increases that don't actually exist are a valid reason for shooting the President, or the dozens of other Congressmen who didn't blink an eye about a recent week being the highest since 9/11 for police officers dying and showed up at "Tea Parties" to ratchet up the fiery rhetoric.

And so of course when you have such high-profile leaders espousing such anger and potential violence, what do people do? Run out to stock up on guns.

Now, the image we're supposed to have is a wild rat's nest of angry people running through the streets shooting everyone in sight. But what you forget is, we're America. We've become somewhat known over the last few years for wanting to kick ass!..but only if we can do it without, you know, dying. I promise we've spent more money on things like unmanned drones and fighting robots in the last 10 minutes than you'll make in a lifetime. Which is fine. But while it's fun to make tough-talking signs and to wear "from my, cold dead hands!" belt buckles etc, to think these people have the onions to form militias, or start a "revolution" in any way is laughable; and for these Congressmen et al to think they're somehow giving birth to the next Crispus Attucks or age of heroism is asinine. They are, however, feeding fuel to some crackpot (like the guy who shot up the cops in PA), and it might be hard to be surprised when he tries to take a pop at Obama. These Congressmen/Govs will not be remembered in the history books as, say, the cast of John Adams as much as they'll be remembered as Billy Crystal from Throw Momma from the Train. Congratulations!

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