Thursday, April 16, 2009

Worlds Colliding

My relationship with God, like anybody else's I suppose, is pretty much one-sided: God knows everything about me including what I'm thinking, but I know almost nothing about God. And certainly not what he's thinking.

Luckily for all of us that's about to change since God is now on Facebook. Not bad, eh? Now instead of the distant, smiting God we've all feared we're gonna finally get a look at the inside; the REAL God. We'll find out which John Hughes movie God is, which Beatles song God is, etc etc. Looking forward to it, Big Guy!!

Also can God on Twitter be far behind? Looking forward to those tweets. "Thinking about wiping out the Aleutians." "Seriously, how is Two & a Half Men still on the air?" "Sometimes I hate that I created birds. They're so stupid. Ahh, I'm just pissy today."

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