Tuesday, April 21, 2009

It's a Regrettable Life

Amidst all the hullabaloo re: Obama not being tough enough with Chavez, let's keep in mind that the only thing George Bush ever admitted to regretting in office was his "tough talk" in the run-up to the Iraq War. So for even Bush to know that was wrong puts things into perspective, no?


Oh, I have regrets. Not laying one on a girl I loved whilst saying goodbye. My dad not seeing the Pope with us. Not coming up with "Bark Mitzvah." And not being clever enough to say "apres twat." Saying "whilst."

Added to that list is this morning - while waiting for the bus at GWB Terminal, I was eating an apple. As I finished the apple I looked around and saw that there was a trash can, in the middle of the floor, wide open with nobody near it about 30 feet away. Man, I thought...what if I chucked this core from my chair straight into the trash can? I looked around at the half-dead/asleep/prolly homeless people in the Terminal. I'd be a fucking hero, I thought. I'll never hafta buy an apple here again; I'd become "THAT GUY!" and fathers would bring their children to watch me eat an apple and chuck it from 30 feet. On Tuesday and Friday mornings.

Did I do it?

Nope. Chickened out. Not feeling good about it. Fucking christ.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:12 AM

    when i was there, i thought it would be really cool and bad-ass to NOT get on bus 183. But, I chickened out, too. try that one next. it's better for ur soul.
