SANTELLI: I’ll tell you what. I think that this tea party phenomenon is steeped in American culture and steeped in American notion to get involved with what’s going on with our government. I haven’t organized. I’m going to have to work to pay my taxes, so I’m not going to be able to get away today. But I have to tell you, I’m pretty proud of this.
The line that jumps out at me is "I’m going to have to work to pay my taxes, so I’m not going to be able to get away today." As in Santelli unwittingly has affirmed what I've believed all along about these tea parties - once again, the lower and middle class are going to bat for the rich.
Thousands of people are coming together to express their "outrage" over Obama's tax policies...which of course only affect people making a quarter of a million dollars a year. How many people at these tea parties make $250k a year? I'm taking a wild guess: not many. In fact, probably only the Congressmen that are stupid enough to show up at an event that has a sign like THIS ONE.
They vote for them, they send them their own money; and now they're standing in the rain screaming for the wealthy to not be taxed so much. Seriously, how much time out of their day do these people mull over "what MORE can I do for rich people? How quickly can I make sure I flush my own life down the shitter so they can get another condo?"
You know who don't spend a lot of time at things like protests? Rich people. And why would they? As usual, fucking idiots who make a fraction of what they do are doing the heavy lifting for them. Brilliant.
"Which only affect people making a quarter of a million dollars a year?" Where are you living? The tax burden on people of all incomes is miserable. It is not just Obama, it is the entire system where we are expected to forfeit our funds to the government who, in turn, either redistribute it or waste it. And, remember, I don't "send them my own money," they take it from me. YORF