Wednesday, April 15, 2009

The UG...Into Dudes?

The sexually-harrassed male interns over at the UG hit on something that's been on my mind lately; as in why don't the Republicans wait til Obama actually fucks something up to pounce on him? Attacking him every second over made-up shit greatly discounts any credibility they will have when he actually does do something stupid.

And I've had it with this myth that Democrats were the same with Bush 43 when he was elected. Cause it's simply not true. Yeah, we spent a lot of time bitching and crying about the election, which STILL could be disputed today; but nobody got together and decided that they'd simply oppose anything he brought up just to oppose it, and nobody was on the radio declaring they hoped he'd fail as president, and we certainly weren't going around the country having pretend grassroot events that sound like a group of 4 year-old girls getting together in Easter dresses. Sure we were pissy about the whole thing, and I'm not saying Democrats lined up to buy Girl Scout cookies from his daughters, but mostly we sat around watching him clear brush on his pretend farm for a coupla months.

Then of course 9/11 happened. And I don't recall Democrats screaming that Bush was Stalin, or that he was going to let in foreigners to kill us all in our sleep. I remember everybody on the Capital steps (or somefuckingwhere) holding hands and singing "Kumbayah" while we all held our breath and prayed that Bush would lead us safely through the whole thing and protect us. Over the years it was made clear that anything less than 100% support for him meant that were were traitors who hated our beloved troops, but at the time it never even occurred to anyone to hope he failed.

And then, of course, he spent the next 7 years getting absolutely nothing right, conpletely fucking up again and again and being about as shitty as a president as you can be. And THAT'S when Democrats began to wonder what the fuck he was doing, and THAT'S when Democrats became vocal about shit he was doing was wrong. Not before, not simply because he existed. But because he was a complete fuck-up. I'm not saying the Democrats were angels, or magnanimous wonderkins. But it took being dragged into a fake war and the removal of civil liberties and the most disastrous spending in history to make the pussy Democrats moan about how shitty he was - and still the acrimony was a fraction of what is perfectly accepted in the culture today from the right people paying 3% more in taxes? Really?

Obama at some point will do something stupid and fuck up; he's only human and it's a bitch of a job. But the Republicans have spent every second so far breathlessly panting about how he's killing us all so much that if he was to shit in Queen Elizabeth's mouth, the din from the right will be heard no louder than on any other day. Congratulations, Republicans - you're barely effective at even being douchebags anymore.


  1. opes gay intern4:53 PM

    agreed. i moved on after the election. it wasnt until bush was invisible on 9/11 that i started to turn for good.

  2. opes gay intern4:53 PM

    yes 9/11 made me gay.
