Wednesday, April 08, 2009

Republicans are Too Nice and Lazy

When I first saw that GOP Congressmen are speaking at the anti-Obama "tea parties" that have been going on, my first thought was gee, isn't that a bit beneath them? Then I remembered who I was talking about; now I'm wondering why they're being such pussies about it. Why speak at dainty little "Tea Parties" when you can speak at testosterone-pumping gun shows that compare Obama to Hitler, a la in Kentucky? Sure these tea parties are also endorsed by White Pride, but why half-ass it and sit around in a dress sipping tea when you can get a bunch of gun-waving lunatics together and gently remind them that monkeys were made to swing from trees? I'm very disappointed I hafta point this out to these people. Jesus christ. Republican Congressmen: TOO NICE!!!!!

I think I secretly wanna be hired by the GOP to save their party - I'd be like the coach called in to turn around a team that hasn't won a game in years, has no players and has done nothing right for years. I'd show up in my office and think "okay, okay, let's see...this party has been handed over to the dumbest people possible, are supported by even dumber people and are concerned mainly with having as many guns as possible, making sure gays can't marry and pretending to care about the financial well-being of generations that don't exist yet...oh yeah, and agitating other countries so we can 'kick ass!'....Xmas, you can TOTALLY do this!!!!"

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