Wednesday, April 08, 2009

WWJD (Take of Xmastime?)

This dude HERE bemoans The Beautiful People honing in on his turf, particularly in these times:
The only thing worse than losing one of the few, cramped spots in a magazine's well is losing it to a celebrity—you know, the kind of person who thinks it's fun to bang out a story while nibbling Cornichons from an Endeavor gift basket in their trailer or on their iPhone from the limo on the way to the Golden Globes.
Seriously, is there a whinier, panickier people such as those in the print media?

But on this one I agree with him - losing space just cause some celeb wants to write sucks; the same way it sucks if Jack White takes up your band's potential shot whenever he wants another side project, or when your film gets bumped from Sundance because some movie with Ben Affleck and Robert DeNiro and directed by Steven Spielberg wants in. Shit don't seem fair - you're already rich and successful, now you gotta come take the rest of the crumbs too?

I said it before about successful actors hogging commercials now HERE.

Or, just to make sure EVERYbody suffers, Metallica shows up at SXSW.

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