Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Breaking Records Aint Easy

Sometimes on this blog I'll joke about someone "trying to break the record" - for instance, I might say something like "jeez, Britney we get it, you love showing everybody your shaved pussy; you don't hafta break the record for it!!!"Or some such. I might also use "Kirsten Dunst" and "ugly." Whatevs.

But now it looks like Republicans actually HAVE broken the record for "Outrageously Racist Emails Sent Out within a Single Week that Would Get Most People Fired from Their Jobs, Were They Not Elected by Other Stupid People." Such an achievement should not go unnoticed, and we should all stand up and applaud Rusty DePass, Diane Black and Mike Green. You're, as Tina Turner the Singing Monkey once sang, simply the BEST!

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