Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Shocking News

Looks like Sammy Sosa is busted for juicing. I'm sure I speak for everybody when I simply say: this is shocking news.  I think when someone who has the balls to go in front of Congress and admit that, even after all the years of living in America, he could not understand English, you have to assume the best in that person. Here the poor guy is fooling everybody for years, making everybody think that just because he happened to guess how to answer a question once the interviewer's lips stopped moving correctly 100% of the time that he could understand English. And yet when confronted by Congress, in front of the whole world, he had the guts to finally admit hey, the jig is up, you got me, busted - I do not understand English, and therefore cannot possibly  answer any questions about steroid use. Even with a translator. 

It's sad how quickly we love to tear down heroes. I hope this news turns out to be false. Cause America needs heroes. And Sammy Sosa is a hero. Sammy Sosa stands up and speaks for those who are too scared to speak for themselves. Well, not in English. 

1 comment:

  1. busted for juicing?

