Monday, June 08, 2009

Hanging Out with Presidents, No Big Whoop.

If you had told me back when I was a young buck playing on a dirt road with no shirt on that one day I would be friends with somebody who wrote for the New York Times and had met and interviewed a President, I'd assume you were crazy. But here's my buddy Cindy (whom you might remember from the first MRS. XMASTIME list back in the day), knocking back some cold ones with Jimmy Carter talking about boiled peanuts. Awesome!!

ps - "I learned this early on, when I developed a craving for Pringles. (“Rich man chips,” my mother said.)" reminds me of when my dad received the bill for tuition for my first year of college "$900?!??!! Who do they think we are, the goddam Kennedys??!!" Hahahahaah also reminds me of THINGS THAT IF I SAW IN YOUR HOUSE WHEN I WAS A KID, I WOULD ASSUME YOU WERE R I C H.


  1. As the incredibly vain writer of this piece, I would like to say two things:

    1) That's not my opening paragraph, but the editor's. In fact, if I ever begin any sentence with the words "As a Southern girl..." I give you all permission to put a shotgun to my head.

    2)Greg, can we start a "rich man snacks" list? It doesn't stop at Pringles. I'll start by adding fruit roll-ups and individually wrapped Kraft cheese slices.
