Monday, June 08, 2009

She's a Genius

I guess we're supposed to all of a sudden believe Sarah Yes Xmas, You May Sniff My Finger Palin is some sort of economics genius cause on Hannity tonite she's voicing her "frustration" that after almost 5 months in office Obama hasn't turned the economy around so that liquid gold is coming outta the faucets. Of course, Obama himself along with every living economist on the planet is saying that such a turnaround will take a long time, prolly years. However, none of these people were quite brilliant enough to craft an economic policy which consists of being smart enough to be born in a state wherein oil foists money on everybody simply for breathing, so what the fuck do they know?

But of course, Palin is one of the leading spokespeople of the opposition party; her main job is to simply oppose anything Obama does or says and hope things come out her way. If Obama said he could wave a bunny in the air and make a zillion dollars fall from the sky, Palin would come out against it, and then have to hope that the money would accidentally fall into the ocean.

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