Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Joe Lieberman is a Worthless Fucking Douchebag

Joe Lieberman has decided that not releasing torture photos is more important than passing any future useful legislation.
We’re just not going to roll over because some folks in the House don’t like this amendment. [W]e’re going to do everything we can to hold up the supplemental appropriations bill until we’re sure that this amendment prohibiting the release of these dangerous photographs is on that bill. And then we’ll continue to do everything we can to attach it to other legislation, to slow up the process.
Of course, dickhead doesn't mind fucking up other legislation simply because of "some folks in the House" not getting what they want. Cause yeah, this is what we fucking need these days; some fuckwad threatening to shut down the Senate for some grandstanding bullshit.

What a piece of shit. If you shithead, stupid fucking people from Connecticut don't vote him out at your next opportunity I'm fucking taking it out on your daughters' love parts.

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