Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Backburner Inidifference

Via Sully:

An interesting comparison:

In 1948, Truman issued an executive order integrating the armed forces. That same year Gallup found that only 13 percent of Americans supported "having Negro and white troops throughout the U.S. armed services live and work together."

Today, vast majorities of Americans support allowing gay service members to serve openly. But the first black president does not have the civil rights conviction of his extraordinary predecessor.

I know all injustices and minorities are not created equal. And I know that being a member of one minority doesn't mean you're obligated to champion all minorities. And I know he's got bigger fish to fry right now. But while one might expect such indifference from the 43 presidents before him, it's a bit squeamish coming from the 44th.

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