Wednesday, June 17, 2009

More Taxes

Matt Yglesias has an article over HERE about the fact that to have real progressive policies work, we need to RAISE TAXES. I've written many times here that I don't mind paying more taxes if it actually gets put to good use. If I pay $2 for a slice of pizza I'm probably gonna demand it be pretty good, and if it's not I'm sending it right back for one that is good.

Republicans have trained people to froth like dogs and scream in horror upon hearing the phrase "raise taxes." But that's because Republicans have asked people to expect NOTHING in return for their taxes - or, worse, stupid shit and complete ineptitude. Yes, I'm pissed I'm paying taxes to fund a war that we have no business being in, to make sure education gets worse and worse, and to make sure the fat cats stay fat. But I wouldn't be pissed if my taxes went to healthcare, improving education or the environment. And public transportation. And infrastructue. Etc etc etc. You know, things that might actually be useful to someone paying taxes and living in America.

Instead of a $2 slice you're actually happy with, Republicans have sold Americans on the idea that they'll cut the price down to $1.75. Of course, instead of a good slice you're happy with, it's a stale donut that's already gnawed to hell by rats. And then they laugh at us while we walk around feeling good about it, thinking we're better off and have put one over on the "worthless" government. Awesome.


  1. 2007 called, they want their $2 slice of pizza back!

    OH YES HE DID!!!!!

  2. im talking real America, blueblood!!!!!!!!!
