Wednesday, June 17, 2009


If you or I showed up at our jobs and got nothing right day after day and made suggestions everyday that were 100% wrong, we would not be asked back to that job. We would not be allowed to be wrong every time we opened our mouths or made a decision and keep getting paid for it.

And then you have the experts that come on tv day after day after day, the same idiots, that are wrong just about 100% of the time. And yet they get asked back time and time again. They do not care what they say, how stupid they sound, how outlandishly uniformed they are, they know they'll be back the next day. It's really unbelievable; at what point does a show say "you know, the last 50 things this person has said has turned out to be wrong. Maybe he's NOT an expert, maybe we should hear from somebody else?" Somehow we've gotten lulled into accepting the same faces on tv without minding they seem to be the dumbest people in the world.

From someone who's MAYBE the most handsome guy in the world:
A coupla weeks ago I wondered HERE why we were still subjected to people like Rove and Cheney being on tv 24/7 with "advice" when they had in fact gotten everything wrong over the years. And I used a pretty snazzy little airplane analogy to make my point:
So why should we keep having them coming back on tv with their "expert advice" - Rove re: how the Republican Party should conduct itself, and Cheney on how to keep the country safe. As in two things these dudes were completely terrible at.

If I'm an airline pilot and commit a crucial error that results in my plane crashing yet I survive, I can understand tv shows wanting to have me on as a current events story. But I doubt I'll be asked to come back repeatedly to give advice on what airlines should be doing about airplane safety.

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