Thursday, October 22, 2009

Creepy, Creepy Eerie Degrees of Seperation (Baconation?)

Issac Newton most famously used the phrase "standing on the shoulders of giants":
"What Descartes did was a good step. You have added much several ways, and especially in taking the colours of thin plates into philosophical consideration. If I have seen a little further it is by standing on the shoulders of Giants."
Standing On the Shoulders of Giants is a crappy album by Oasis.

Who are unabashed in their devotion to trying to copy The Beatles.

Who started Apple Records.

An apple fell on Newton's head to give him the idea of gravity (though not really.)

Kevin Bacon is in a band that wouldn't be good enough to be on Apple Records, isn't a tenth as good as Oasis, or 100000000000th as good as The Beatles and, until we hear recordings of Newton's cuts to prove otherwise, we hafta assume therein that Isaac Newton probably was in a better band than The Bacon Brothers as well. BUT Bacon was in Apollo 13, in which they used orbital velocity as first illustrated by Newton and his Cannonball Theory, and in that movie he might have eaten an apple, but I can't really say for sure, even though I'm watching it again right now. Man. Newton to Bacon and back. I am FREAKING out, people!!! (running through loft screaming and flipping every overhead light on, penis swinging crazily, banging both ankles back and forth)

"Ren McCormick has a band? Fucking christ."

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