Thursday, October 22, 2009

Time to Panic, Obviously

Because NY sports fans are fucking bananas, of course now that the Yankees are looking to close out the ALCS we hafta start scaring ourselves all to shit by remindnig each other about the 2004 Red Sox comeback.

First of all, that series was 3-0, this one is at 3-1 (after 2-1,)

Mostly, I wanted to go back to the game BEFORE total disaster set in, a game from which I can still hear the ball ricocheting off The Green Monster, seemingly every 2 minutes or so, to the point you even stopped paying attention and didn't bother looking and you could just tell by the sound as you had your head in something else (me, prolly buried in some big fat titties).

I mean, this box score is amazing. A-Rod, Scheff, Bernie, Matsui, lookit those numbers. And I have no idea how Rueben Sierra got his old, big ass around for a triple. It really was a celebration at that point, not even a game.

But the two oddest things are that I see the score was tied 6-6 after three innings, something I wouldn't have thought of in a 19-8 game. Although Kevin Brown giving up a fucking baker's dozen at that point woulda been no big surprise either, so. Also, A-Rod batting SECOND? WTF? Does anyone else remember that? Other than when Torre acted like a fucking asshole and put him in the 8th spot against the Toigers in 2006, I can't remember A-Rod ever hitting anywhere but cleanup. But he obviously did. And second? Wow.

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