Friday, October 23, 2009

McSame Ol' Shit

I guess John McCain hasn't convinced the folks on tv that he has no fucking idea what the fuck he's talking about and could not be less relevant in Congress, since they insist on having him every fucking Sunday.
Foser: “John McCain is not president, he chairs no Senate committees, he represents two percent of the U.S. population, he lacks a strong constituency even among his own party — a party that is pretty widely disliked and has taken a thumpin’ in two straight elections. He is not playing a central, or even peripheral role in the health care debate. And yet he’s on television all the time.”
Benen: “But it’s the Sunday shows’ obsession with McCain that continues to be so absurd. … McCain isn’t playing a role in any important negotiations; he hasn’t unveiled any significant pieces of legislation; he isn’t being targeted as a swing vote on any major bills; and he’s not a member of the GOP leadership. He’s just another far-right senator, with precious little to say that couldn’t have been predicted in advance. Indeed, we already know exactly what he’s going to say this week.”
The media's obsession with the same group of people who got everything wrong has been going on for a while now, and is still strange. But at least it will be fun to watch after McCain dies, and they still wheel his coffin in front of the cameras every Sunday. And he still gets the same amount of stuff right.

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