Tuesday, October 27, 2009


via Sully:
When others in other states can get such a plan, will there not be pressure on the GOP to help their own base?......Won't many people - many Republican voters - actually ask: why can't I have what they're having?
This is what I've been saying. Getting together and shouting about Hitler and socialism and wondering if Obama was even born in the US is a lot of fun, but at some point a public option will settle in some places and become very matter-of-fact, and one day some Teabagger in, say, South Carolina, is gonna be talking to his cousin in New York and start to wonder "hey wait a minute now; how come I'm losing my house because I made a mistake on an application in the ER and now I can't get coverage for my brain cancer, but my cousin is enjoying the same healthcare for his prostate cancer and isn't missing a house payment at all?" All of a sudden vague, nebulous talk about government spending and fascism and scaring people about a big "government takeover!!!" just so your governor can run for president one day doesn't seem so awesome anymore, does it?

ps - you "anonymous" commentators that wanna launch into the fact that under the government your operation will be performed by a drunken squirrel or wanna remind everybody that you cannot understand the difference between HEALTHCARE and HEALTH COVERAGE by using tired "well then why would the King of Spain come to the USA for a  rare operation??!?!", I've already gone over that HERE.


  1. Marley7:44 PM

    I'm your only commenter, Wally.

  2. why did a chill just shoot down my spine?
