Friday, July 17, 2009

Head Exploding

This shit drives me bananas. Here's a string from my Facebook page:

PERSON 1 wants to do the ol' SCARE THE HELL OUTTA AMERICANS re: healthcare by linking to another tirade from Glenn Beck re: we're gonna have paralegal interns doing our heart surgeries if we pass a national healthcare plan.
"is what most news channels won't tell you about healthcare"

Glenn Beck - Current Events & Politics - America's Health Care Is Better Than Europe's
the Glenn Beck program

PERSON 2 responds:

at 7:06am July 17
I'm a little tired of folks comparing the healthcare system to the health insurance system. I'm not a big fan of the cost of the proposal and that's what the critics should be focusing on. The doctors and nurses aren't becoming government employees... there's just going to be another health insurance carrier owned by the goverment. Yeah our healthCARE system is the best...our healthCOVERAGE system is not. This may not be the way to fix it but let's get the facts straight so people can make informed decisions not be scared shi*less that they will be operated on by a bureaucrat in the future.

To which PERSON 1 makes PERSON 2's argument for them!!!!
at 7:33am July 17
isn't the veterans hospital already govt.'s that working out...Your right the price of this plan is outrageous. My insurance is paid by my employer all of it...I picked my job for that reason....You want to compare how long the waiting lists to see a doctor or get surgery in one of those countries with free healthcare is to an america hospital. Tell me if the healthcare in europe is so good why did Italy's prime minister (silvio berlusconi)elect to have his heart surgery in cleveland ohio...isn't it free over there.
Anything the govt. touches turns to you know what.....

YES, the prime minister of Spain probably has incredible COVERAGE, being the prime minister of a major country, but perhaps the CARE that was nearby was not adequate for him. But because of his great coverage he was able to go to Cleveland, which I guess has a great reputation for the specific operation he needed - which, ironically, would not be accessible to thousands of people actually living in Cleveland because their COVERAGE is inadequate.

If I have a hangnail  and they tell me that the North Pole has the greatest hangnail guy and his hot model daughter will give a sloppy blowjob as well, AND MY COVERAGE IS SO GOOD IT ALLOWS ME TO DO SO, of course I fucking go.

Also, I'm assuming this dude has money - if he wants to go to the moon for an operation, he can. In other words, Bill Gates can either get the $1 dollar menu cheeseburger at Mickey D's, or he can fly to Istanbul and get the $14,000 fois gras sliced almond gold-flecked slurpee. I cannot, but I'm glad the $1 burger is at least an option.

Once again, people are so fucking worried about how the government is gonna screw them over if they win the fucking $300M Powerball. For fuck sakes.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

To the poor soul (as well as hospitals absorbing the enormous costs of charity care), free or low cost government controlled healthcare COVERAGE would seem a blessing. The recipient may not even mind being subjected to the down side, lack of access to medical care due to an extended waiing list, and/or possible denial of treatment. After all, beggars can't be choosers, right? Get in line.

It would seem that those opposed would have to be downright EVIL to deny a person the RIGHT to decent health care. For those who pay for coverage, myself included, or are offered it through an employer, a government controlled program which imposes rules which limit care and controls costs is like a fat filthy fly in the Limberger cheese.