Tuesday, November 10, 2009


Carrie Prejean's book Still Standing dropped today, in which she lets us know how she's withstood the 7 months of hell that is being in a beauty pageant and then getting paid to go around on countless tv shows and say things while looking hot, and then having to accept a huge advance while waiting for a ghostwriter to write her story of overcoming what to anyone else would be bordering-on-the-freakishly-not-fair-to-have-to-overcome odds. If that Ted Williams Science of Hitting book is the Bible for hitting a baseball, this will surely be the Bible for single mothers working two jobs trying to put food on the table every day. I'm not gonna call Prejean a "hero," but I can't say I'd fight it if you did.

1 comment:

  1. thou art the king of sarc.

    carrie prejean. sounds like the new preggo pant.
