Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Sniffity Sniff Sniff

I've written many times that we are turning into The Society of the Victim; ie the greatest thing you can be these days is a victim, and the greatest benefactor so far is Sarah Palin, as I wrote HERE with a snazzy little line about pizza & soda:
...from each knock on Palin, even if from within her own party, seems to spring the seeds of twice as many fans coming to her defense, indignant that someone is picking on her as if she was a puppy. Palin has turned into the kid at the pizza party who spills his Coke and drops his slice on the floor and everyone feels so bad for him that HE ends up at the head of the table receiving presents and getting all the attention. Awesome.
This guy HERE same the same thing vis-a-vis an article written about Palin that apparently spends 20 pages saying exactly nothing about why she's great other than some people are incredulous that she matters:
The sole legitimizing force behind Sarah Palin is the persecution that her supporters perceive that she is subjected to. It’s a movement – if we could call it that – animated by its sense of victimhood. The quantity and ferocity of criticism directed at Palin, right or wrong, is the ultimate arbiter of her worth as a political figure; what she has done, what she promised to do, what she could do, don’t seem to matter.
Will be interesting to see how far this is allowed to go. As in what if the "elites" found out that Palin was illiterate? BLAM!!!  Approval ratings double. And what if someone on the left finds out that she was born in Communist Russia and isn't a US citizen? BLAMMO!!! The left's "picking on our Sarah" would send her war chest (heh heh heh) through the roof. Awesome.

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