Monday, November 16, 2009

Oh, Please

Apparently Guiliani couldn't figure out how to work 9/11 into a sentence while speaking about Sarah Palin:
Giuliani: "There is something extra special that Sarah Palin has in terms of reaching out to people, and my party needs that kind of excitement...She creates attention. 
Well, that's all we can ask from political leaders, right?

Oh wait, Xmastime nailed this shit a year ago BOING!!!
- People need to stop calling Sarah Palin an "exciting!" choice as if "exciting" means anything in this context. Hey, it would also be "exciting" if McCain had picked, say...Tony Dorsett. Wouldn't that be exciting? Yes. Does that mean you should vote for him? Hmm. 
My "I could do more pullups than McCain" line is still comedy gold!

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