Monday, November 16, 2009

Sniffin' Palin

There used to be a time-honored tradition in sitcoms to have an episode wherein there is some controversy about something that happened, and the two characters involved in the incident give an account of what they think happened to the rest of the cast, and of course each character's version is wildly different from the other's, e.g. in each telling, whoever is telling the story is an angelic hero who humbly was trying to do the right thing, while the other person was a snarling douchebag.

This is what I can't stop thinking of as I watch Sarah Palin on Oprah (with, obviously, my dick in my hand.) Every recollection she gives is laughable in it's painting of herself as some aw-shuck's every-woman who just loves America. She can't simply say "Todd and I went to Blockbuster," she has to say "I was walking with Todd to the Blockbuster, where we were hoping to rent some movies about the tremendous bravery our troops show, and I remember saying to Todd gee isn't is great we have the freedom to go to this video store? and then I handed $100 to a nun that happened to be walking by so to help the orphanage and..."  And, just like her never letting a minute go by without stretching miles out of her own way to disparage the "mainstream media that is out to destroy her her," this shit with her never ends. I thought the hour with Oprah would be sexy. But it's fucking exhausting.

UPDATE: Oprah surprisingly got a zinger in. Palin was whining that her kids got shredded by the press (of course), but when Obama spoke up and said "hey, kids are off-limits" the press respected HIS wishes, unlike hers (because obviously the press is out to get her.) Of course Oprah points out the fact "but wasn't he actually talking about YOUR kids?" OUCH!!!

UPDATE: "Trig, he's so cool, he just lays there and chills." Umm, yeah...maybe cause he's retarded? Also: do people do aerobics with their glasses on?

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