Monday, November 16, 2009

Sniffin' Palin

It's actually pretty amazing that here we are a year later, and Sarah Palin has somehow set in motion a fairly incredible cycle that seems to have no end in sight: she has no desire to govern, she only wants to be a celebrity, so she simply unleashes an astounding blizzard of bullshit that, like I wrote about Bush, is almost impossible to even keep up with. And, of course, we are not a society that discredits serial liars but one that begs for more, which causes people like Andrew Sullivan to be apoplectic daily, to the point of keeping some sort of "Guide to Sarah's Lies" as a serious reference guide, as well as people like me who use these outrageous lies for laughs, but even that becomes exhausting trying to keep up with her. This setting up of her opponents' continual outrage sparks off her supporters' outrage over THAT outrage, and the cycle continues. Again. And again. And again. It's really incredible. I mean, nothing of substance will ever happen, but she can coast on stuff like this for years. It's like she has a ton of fuel for a car that is continually running, but in neutral. But it doesn't matter, cause everybody gets what they want: she gets fame/money, the media has something to talk about, her opponents have something to go beserk over and her followers have a cause. A win/win/win/win. Incredible.


  1. Marley8:46 PM

    You owe this woman. She's allows you to meld your thin political musings with your deep and often savvy sense of the pop culture zeitgeist. Can you really effectively fuse your zest for celebrity titties and your skin-deep politics with, say, Kay Bailey Hutchison?

    I think not.

  2. oh, believe me, id loooooove to repay her. maybe twice! ;)
