Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Ah. More Good News

Ah, yes. The Lincoln/Kyl Estate Tax:
It’s quite shocking that there is such a dearth of voices saying that cutting the estate tax now is simply nuts. Last year, taxes in the U.S. were the lowest they’ve been since 1950, while the labor market is still incredibly fragile. Yet, we would waste billions in offsets to cut taxes for those who need it the least, the Paris Hilton’s of the world.
Of course nobody's speaking out in outrage. Americans are, for the most part, incredibly stupid.  We're still under the spell of believing that it's very important to make sure the super-rich get even super-richer, that they're taking every penny they get and sprinting to your shop to buy up Hello Kitty keychains. We're still falling for the "trickle down" myth. And the Joe the Plumber in us still spends night losing sleep worrying about waking up tomorrow as the CEO of Exxon and losing $5 to taxes. If Lincoln and Kyl came out demanding the reverse of what they're proposing, people would flood the streets with "Don't Tread on Me!" posters and throwing out the Jefferson tree/blood/whatever quote over and over. This is really getting quite boring; at some point, the idiotic middle class is simply going to have to come up with a Bloomberg document that ensures that their paychecks go directly to billionaire's pool houses. This is, after all, America goddammit.

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